Cookies information

We use cookies and other similar technologies for the following purposes.

Technical cookies: We use cookies to provide our services, for example for:
• recognize you when you log in to use Adelzon services;
• show you features, products and services that may be of interest to you, including advertisements; defined according to interests;
• keep track of the items saved in your cart;
• prevent activities – fraudulent;
• improve the security standards of the online store;
• keep track of your preferences, such as those relating to language and currency.

We also use cookies to understand how our customers use our services, so that we can improve them.

Profiling cookies: we use cookies Also to serve you certain types of advertising, including those relating to services and products not available on Adelzon, as well as to offer you certain types of advertising. like some advertisements; defined according to interests.

Further information
Technical cookies remain in your browser for 13 months from the last interaction with our services, with the exception of the cookies used to keep track of your privacy settings, which may remain in your browser for up to 5 years.
Your browser settings will tell you how to prevent the acceptance of new cookies, how to be informed when you receive a new cookie, how to disable and remove cookies and how to control when they are deleted.
Technical cookies allow you to take advantage of some functionalities; essentials provided by Adelzon. If you block or in any case refuse technical cookies from your browser settings, some features will be disabled. and some services may not work. For example, you will not be able to add items to your shopping cart, complete your order, or use Adelzon services that require you to log in.
See our privacy policy for more information on the type of information we collect.[// vc_column_text]
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